Buying car is one of the craziest achievements that roving around the brains of young dynamites of India. There is no doubt that Indian youngsters are earning good stuff even after world wounded with great economic crises. For Indian young graduate associated with great brand, inflation of double digit makes no difference.
They are earning enough to meet basic needs and moreover they are saving & investing good stuff into market. But while making such investments, craze and psyche are dominating the conscience these hot brains. Especially, Craze of Car..! No one is bothered to think weather it is really required or not. Rather than necessity, it had turned into product of prosperity. Just an item of show off.
We bark for traffic problems, blow horn on every morning, curse for FM updates for traffic jams, keep provision for power nap in the buses on the way to work. Blame the government and the administration. But real cause for all traffic trouble is system. Yes! We criticise the system created by ourselves. If you are not directly contributing to this mess, some where someone related to you is contributing indirectly. So no meaning in the play of blame-game.
For a particular city there is a binding figure imposed on land development through Floor Space Index(FSI). But there no restriction on the selling figures of cars or other Private Utility Vehicle(PUV)s for city. There is no proper link between urban development authority and RTO.
In country like India, buying car means officially encroaching govt land to park on roads by paying some minimum tip. During registration none of the RTO asks for the availability of private parking space. Thanks to urban development bye laws. Which have specified minimum 10% of total building area to be allotted as parking space. But this is limited to big housing societies and commercial complexes like mall or multiplex. There is no such minimum parking bye law for private house or bungalow. They park their vehicle in front of house on govt road. As if that piece of land belonging to them as if they have paid for it. City municipal corporations can earn good stuff if they impose taxes on vehicles parked on roads.
Govt policies to promote auto industry are the major cause for traffic problems. On one side state and central govt’s are spending huge amounts on road infrastructure like fly overs, sky walks, underpasses etc. On other side they are promoting the automobile sector though wide packages for industrial growth and so called economic revolution. Actually govt’s are treating the wound and they are not curing the decease.
Whereas public and private sector banks are on the battle ground of providing car-loans. There are many schemes running around like ‘on spot loan facility’ or ‘car key within hour’ etc. These banks are associate boosters along with govt for car buzz. They are claiming for the conversion of youngsters dreams to reality in no time.
When developed countries like Korea, Singapore, Japan, Germany are insisting for mass transport systems through strict policies, India at this stage should make stringent policies to retreat the car buzz! Such policies should include levy of huge percentage of registration fees on private vehicles.