Thursday, May 10, 2018

Assembly Elections Karnataka- 2018

Its carnival again.. Voting carnival for the people by the people of democratic countries.. Before Voting recall last 5 years, what was the progress made with respect to following parameters..
Plantation: Check how many plants made to sleep and how many erected back..? I feel this parameter as most basic as trees make us breath..!
Water Supply: Make note, how many times they dig roads in assurance of 24/7 water supply? Any one promising to supply 24/7 for all citizens, is just making you fool, rivers are not as blessed as mankind to reproduce throughout 12 months..
Electricity: Count how many solar operated lights seeing sky in your area.. If none, then second time getting fooled for 24/7 assurance.
Waste Management: Recall how many times they are collecting garbage from u per week.. if not twice a day, then valuable recyclable materials adding to landfill beside your city..!
Education: Check if Govt/Municipality school you learnt is still operational.. if yes then weigh for the students to teacher's ratio and then decide whom to vote
Transport: Do you get adequate bus stops? Does public transport available easily across the city and connecting neighboring villages ? Are they enough and encouraging you for not using private vehicles..For tire-2/3 city, if you don't have metro plan on paper for this election, then for sure you are lead by poor visionary..!
Like wise many parameters to list.. but young minnelials don't have time & patience to read lengthy texts.. to conclude got two requests for you..
1. Go out  and vote

2. Vote to right Leader...!

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